The Ventura County Employees’ Retirement Association (VCERA) is a multi-employer, defined benefit, public pension plan located in Ventura County, California. Founded in 1947, the association is governed by the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 (“1937 Act”) and the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (PEPRA). VCERA’s primary responsibility is to provide lifetime retirement benefits for eligible employees of the County of Ventura, Ventura County Superior Court, Ventura County Air Pollution Control District (APCD), Ventura Regional Sanitation District (VRSD), and VCERA.

To adequately fund the lifetime service retirement, lifetime disability retirementsupplementalcost-of-living, and death benefits of its members, VCERA receives biweekly contributions from members and employers (i.e., plan sponsors) as well as earnings from its diversified investments. Retirement law vests oversight of the agency in a Board of Retirement, which invests VCERA’s assets, sets policy and appoints a Retirement Administrator to manage the day-to-day operations of the retirement system.

One of VCERA’s primary goals is to provide timely and accurate information to you, the member, using tools and technologies that make your retirement information easy to understand and convenient to access. This website, with its wealth of educational resources and content, represents the realization of that commitment.

As you get to know VCERA, you will discover an organization that fulfills its obligations diligently and serves with professionalism, competence, integrity, and courtesy. VCERA employs well-trained staff to assist with your retirement planning and processing. If you have any questions or service requests, please contact VCERA during normal business hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Disclaimer: The Law that governs VCERA is complex, detailed and may change over time. The information contained in this website is made available as a public service. If there is a conflict between the information on this website and the Law, the Law shall prevail. While VCERA has made every attempt to provide correct information, it does not guarantee the accuracy of all information. No one shall be entitled to claim detrimental reliance on any information on this website, which is based on the laws and rules in existence as of January 2019 and is subject to modification based on changes in law, rule or policy.