Flex Credit Under Old and New Benefit Structures

In the Alameda Decision, issued on 7/30/2020, the California Supreme Court ruled that retirement boards, such as VCERA’s, could not include in Legacy members’ compensation earnable any pay items that were excluded by law, including “in-kind” benefits. “Flex credit” allowances provided to employees each pay period and applied to healthcare benefits are “in-kind” benefits that must be excluded. Rather than implement that exclusion immediately, the VCERA Board agreed to delay a decision on flex credit until April 2023 at the request of the County and labor organizations, allowing time to negotiate alternative benefits.

In May 2023, after the Board adopted a Resolution to implement the Alameda Decision’s ruling as to flex credit, VCERA began limiting flex credit in Legacy members’ retirement earnings to the “maximum cashable amount,” which was the flat or employee-only rate minus the lesser of the opt-out fee or lowest-cost employer-sponsored healthcare plan. This was the formula under the County’s benefit structure in place at that time, referred to as the “old benefit structure.” After the County changed the program’s structure in June 2023, referred to as the “new benefit structure,” the “maximum cashable amount” for most bargaining units was equal to the opt-out allowance.

The following two sample paychecks illustrate the new benefit structure with regard to opt-out allowances and flex credit allowances for Legacy members.

Example #1: New Benefit Structure with Opt-Out Allowance

  • “Opt Out Allowance” is the flat amount ($147.00) payable to this employee for not electing a County-provided health plan. [Under the new benefit structure, this employee no longer receives the old “Flex Credit FT $497” amount and no longer pays the “Opt Out” fee.]
  • “Retirement Earnings Final” is the total pensionable retirement earnings in this pay period. For Legacy members, “Retirement Earnings Final” is what is included as “compensation earnable.” For this Legacy member, it is the sum of all pay items listed under “Earnings.”
  • “Retirement Cnty Reg Fund” is the amount the County reported paying toward this employee’s future retirement benefit (“normal cost”). The County also includes in this amount a portion of the amortized unfunded liability (UAAL).
  • “Retirement Cnty COL Fund” is the amount the County reported paying toward this employee’s future cost-of-living adjustments (COLA) (“normal cost”). The County also includes in this amount a portion of the UAAL.

Note: Under the new benefit structure, employees receive either the “Flex Credit” allowance or the “Opt Out Allowance.” There is no longer an opt-out fee. The maximum cashable amount is equal to the opt-out allowance and is the same for all members of the same bargaining unit. (Click here to see charts of maximum cashable amounts by union.)

Note: Effective 6/25/2023, the County began reporting the new benefit structure’s maximum cashable amount in “Retirement Earnings Final” for Legacy members. The pensionable amount varies by bargaining unit. For example, the maximum cashable amount is $229.94 per pay period for VCDSA-represented employees; it is $279.94 per pay period for CNA-represented employees.

Example #2: New Benefit Structure with Flex Credit Allowance

  • “Flex Credit” is the flex credit allowance ($147.00) for this employee in this bargaining unit.
  • “Retirement Earnings Final” is the total pensionable retirement earnings in this pay period. For this Legacy member, it is the sum of all pay items listed under “Earnings,” except the “Flex Credit Additional” amount.

Note: The sum of “Flex Credit” and “Flex Credit Additional” amounts equals the flex credit amount negotiated by each bargaining unit. Under the new benefit structure, the “Flex Credit” amount is pensionable, but the “Flex Credit Additional” amount is not pensionable.

Other Information

PEPRA members do not have flex credit included in their retirement earnings because PEPRA excludes from “pensionable compensation” any employer-provided allowance. Also, the “Retirement Earnings Final” amounts on Legacy members’ paychecks prior to 6/25/2023 were overstated due to the inclusion of the full flex credit.